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Salary calculation settings is entered in SalaryPercentage. Formula used for calculation are described below.

Basic Salary Calculation:

Current Salary Percentage-CSP


Professional Tax-PT depends on the PT salary set in the settings.

Gross Salary calculation based on PF


Ex:If PF percentage is 12 and PF amount is 7000

if Amt >= 7000 then PF=12% of 7000

else PF= 12% of Amt.

HRA = Salary * (CSP /100 ) *( HRA perct/100)

CCA = Salary * (CSP / 100) * (CCA perct / 100)

OT = Salary * (CSP / 100) * (OT perct / 100)

Gross =Cusom(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)


ESI = Gross* ESIC perct/100

Total deduction =  HR loan+insurance+Custom(10+11+12+13+14)

Else if the percentage is not set in those fields, then

DA = { Salary * Current Salary perct / 100 } – {Salary * (Current Salary Perct / 100) * (DA perct / 100)}

HRA =Salary - {  (Salary * CSP /100 ) *( HRA perct/100) }

CCA = Salary – Basic – DA – HRA

Employeer Contribution





  • None