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In brief you can know what all you can see in Fee payment menu.

Select Class , Section and Student. You will see left menu as shown below

You will  see ,

  1. Student details like Father name, admission no, mobile No.
  2. If no payment is made for the student, Previous Payment details table will be blank. In the Example of how to make fee payment we had made annual payment. Therefore you are able to see record of N-Annual Fee payment. This will help you in verification of payment made before.
  3. To view the types of fee grouped under N-Annual Fee. Click on Details in Previous payment table.
  4. Fee Details table will be filled as shown in the figure.
  5. You will know about Add Application student in Application Students.

Click on Help, you will see a panel opened with below information which helps in guiding you for doing fee payment.


* Discount can be given only for Term Fee and Yearly Fee.

* Discount amount can be entered in percentage or as actual ammount.

Partial Payments

* Partial Payment is only allowed for Yearly Fee and only one patial payment is allowed per student per annual fee.

Custom / Instant Fees

        For monthly fee when collecting fee for more than one month, if custom fee is selected is it multiplied by number of months selected.

        For term fee if custom fee is selected regardless of number of terms selected, custom fee is added seperately, if you want to add custom fee of Rs. 100 per term and number of terms is 3, then you must enter custom fee amount as Rs.300

        In term fee payment custom fee amount gets added for the last term. If you want the custom fee amount to be added for each term, then you must make the term fee payment seperately for individual term by selecting custom fee each time.

        To Collect Fine.Misc.Others fee which you don't want to track as a seperate account use custom fees. No need to create Fee Group and Fee Amount, you must only define Fee Name in Fee master.

        If you want to maintain accounts of Fine or any misselenious fees, then you need to create sepearte fee group and fee amount.

Fee Slabs

If you want to collect certain fees like Uniform, Books , Bus Fee, etc., for only pre-registered students, and the generated due reports should only show registered students for that particular fee, then you must use Fee Slabs Feature.

1. If you want to collect Transport Fee for students who come by bus and from different routes, then you must use Trasport Slab Feature.

2. Follow below steps to create or assign Fee or Transport Slabs to Students

        Define number of transport slabs depending on number of routes (settings, academic year).

        Create Transport Slabs for different Routes (KV_Config master)

        Create Different Fee Groups for Different Transport Slabs and assign Transport Slab

        Create Fee Amount and Assign to classes for which it is applicable.

        Assign Transport Slabs to Students based on their bus route.

Wrong Fee Payments

As an admin you can delete wrong fee payment records from Fee Payments details menu.


You can refund fee amount back to students by Editing Fee payment record of that student from Fee payment details menu.

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