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KV Configuration in SchoolAdmin helps you create slab based fees and associate them to the individual students. For example, In your school the fee receipt components are different for New Admission Students and Re Admission Students ( existing students), then you can create such slabs under KV configuration menu under Regular Fee slabs.

If you also plan to collect Transport Fees or Bus Fees on ROUTE / STOP / Kilometer basis then you can create such slabs under transportation slab in KV configuration menu.

Another example, If you want to create discounted slabs for staff children, siblings, in such cases also you can define such slabs in kv configuration menu and associate the slab with the Fee Group and the individual students for whom these slabs are applicable. Then in the fees collection menu, when you select a particular student, the SchoolAdmin will show the receipts and the fees which are associated with that student.

Step 1: Goto Masters , Click on KV Config menu

If your school fee structure  is slab based as mentioned above either for regular fees or for transportation fees, you can follow the below steps to create such receipts and collect the fees from the Fee payment menu.

  1. Create Slabs in Masters - KV Config.
  2. Create Fee names in Masters - Fee.
  3. Create Fee Group in Masters - Fee Group.
  4. Define Fee Amount in Masters - Fee Amount.
  5. Assign slabs for students in Students Information - Student Slabs.
  6. Make Fee Payment in Admin Master - Fee Payment.


Step 2: Once you click on KV Config menu in the masters, KV Config master will be opened as shown below.

click on Add button to add slabs. In the KV Config table it will show all the slabs previously created.

Step 3: Once you click on  (plus) Add,  Add/Edit KV Config window will be shown as below

In KV config menu,  you can create following types of slabs.

Regular Fee Slabs

It helps you define regular fee slabs such as New Admission, ReAdmission, 10% Discount on Regular Fees, 50% discount, Staff Discount, Sibling discount etc., You can assign any one of this slab to a given student in Regular Fee slabs. Example Config key's and Values are as shown below for Regular Fee Slabs

Config KeyConfig Value


  • Regular Fee slabs once assigned to a student in the beginning of the academic year, It must never be unassigned or changed.
  •  If you have assigned wrong slab and you want to change it after the collection of the fees, first you must delete that payment from the fee payment details menu in the admin master menu. then unassign the slab for the student from the student slabs menu. then change it to the correct value.
  • Under each slab type, you can only assign one slab to a student. for example, in the regular fee slabs we have 5 Slabs, in this we can assign only only slab to a given student.

Transport Slabs

You can use Transport Slabs type in the KV configuration menu to define Transportation Fees stop wise, route wise or Kilo meter wise or Slab wise. The transportation slab can be assigned or unassigned any number of times. Based on the slab assigned, the corresponding slab receipts (Fee Group) will be shown in the Fee Payment menu while collecting the Transport Fees for a given student.

When a student opts in for a Transport facility at your school you can assign the Transport slab and when the student opts out from the transport facility you can unassign the transport slab. If the student gets relocated to a different location, the slab can be changed to the new stop or route, so when you try to collect the fees for the next term or month the amount assigned for the new slab will be set to that student. Also, If the student choose to come only in the Morning or use transport only in the evening you can create one way travel slabs in the SchoolAdmin to display such predefined transport amounts in the fee payment.

Config KeyConfig Value


42 Kilo Meter Slab
55 Kilo Meter Slab
610 Kilo Meter Slab
7ROUTE 1 Slab
8ROUTE 1 20 % Discount Slab
Custom Fee Slab A / Custom Fee Slab B

In most of the cases we can manage with Regular Fee slabs and Transport Fee slabs. If we need additional slab types we can use Custom A or B slabs. For example, We can use Custom Fee Slab A if the hostel facility is provided in the School. If we assign this slab only to the students who have taken the Hostel Facility, the hostel receipt will be visible for such students in the Fee Payment menu. Then you can collect that fee amount when the hostel fees payment is received from such students. This receipt wont be visible for the students for whom this Slab is not set.

For Custom Fee Slab B we can use it for collecting Mess Fees from Hostel students and day boarders. Also for Book or Abacus or Extra curricular activities for which the students are specifically opted in.



The  fee slabs configuration can be enabled / disabled from the top menu bar options - settings - Default Settings - under FeePayment options menu.  In your school if the fees are common for all the students class wise and you do not need slab based fees, then you can disable this feature.

Steps to create Fee slabs

  1. Select Fee Slab.
  2. Enter the config key number  - No fee slab should have duplicate config key (It is used by the SchoolAdmin system to uniquely identify a slab, It is just a sequence of numbers under a given config Name).
  3. Enter the Config value ie the Regular Fee slab name.
  4. Click on Add button. You will get Added Successfully message.

Steps to create Transport slabs

  1. Select Transport Slab.
  2. Enter the config key number  - No transport slab should have duplicate config key.
  3. Enter the Config value ie the slab name.
  4. Click on Add button. You will get Added Successfully message.
  • In the same you can create slabs under Custom Fee Slab A and Custom Fee Slab B. Under each Config Names, the Configuration Key number must be unique.
  • The total number of all the slabs that you need can be configured in Top Menu - Options - Academic Years, edit your current academic year and increase the number of slabs under each of the config names.

Searching Existing Fee / Transport Slabs

  Select the KV Config Type. You will see the Config Master table as shown below

If you select Fee Slab. You will see below Config table.

If you select Fee Slab. You will see below Config table.

Edit or Delete a record

You can edit and change the added record by clicking on Edit icon in Action column.

You can delete the record if created duplicated or not required by clicking on delete icon   in Action column.

You will not be able to delete slabs once you assign slabs to Fee Group and students. If you need to delete if all the entries are wrong, then first you must delete any payments against that particular fee group if any. then unassign the slab from the student slabs menu for all the students whom you have assigned this slab. and then unassign this slab for any group for which it is assigned.



  • None