Creating Fee Amounts for both New Admission Fee and Re Admission fee Groups. | New Admission | Re Admission |
Admission fee | 100 | 100 | Tuition fee | 3200 | 3200 | Library fee | 200 | 200 | Sports fee | 100 | 100 | Registration fee | - | 500 | Application fee | - | 100 | Total | 3600 | 4200 |
In the Fee Amount table Admission fee,Tuition fee,Library fee and Sport fee applicable for both New Admission and Re Admission Students.So assign these fees and respective amounts to both NEW ADMISSION FEE and RE ADMISSION FEE groups. Registration fee and Application fee applicable only for New Admission fee,assign these two fee and respective amounts to only NEW ADMISSION group. Go to Masters->Fee Amount->Click on button. Select Fee ADMISSION FEE Select Fee Type ANNUAL Select Fee Group New ADMISSION FEE Enter the amount Rs 100 Select the Class LKG UKG Image Added
Click Add button to Save the Fee Amount. Now you assigned Admission fee amount Rs 100 to New Admission fee group. Repeat same steps for all the fees by selecting same fee group NEW ADMISSION FEE and entering the respective amount, After completion of adding all fee amount for NEW ADMISSION FEE Repeat same Steps for RE ADMISSION FEE.In Re admission case no need assign amount for Registration fee and application fee because Readmission student will not pay these fees. |