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To Login Follow steps as shown below

  1. Enter the User name
  2. Enter the Password
  3. Click on Login
    If user name and password matches with the user record created by admin, teacher user will be able to successfully log in to SchoolAdmin Lite.
    If user name and password is wrong, you will get a error message saying Invalid Username or password. You need to re type correct user name and password to login.

Accessible Menu's and Rights of Teacher

  • Once teacher logs in , they can see the below menubar.
  1. To Edit and update Student details
  2. To put monthly attendance for the student.
  3. To generate Attendance report.

  • In the Top menu you will be able to access


Teacher can Edit and update  the Student details directly from dashboard.


Teacher can View Contact details.


  1. Can view the Help page.
  2. Click on Settings : Can change and  update the Themes
  3. Users : Teacher can change the password.
  • None