Department menu enables user to add all the Departments present in the Company or the Branch.

Go to 'Masters' and click on 'Designation' menu


Add Department

Click on 'Add' button to open the 'Add/Edit'  window as shown as below


Enter the Department Name and click on the 'Add' button.

Once the data is saved you will see a ' Department Successfully Added ' message. Repeat this step to add all the other Departments.

Once all the departments are added click on 'Close' button to close the 'Add/Edit' window.

Edit Department

You can change the added department details by clicking on 'Edit' icon   under the  'Action' column.

Update the required changes and click on the 'Update' button.

Finally click on the 'Close' button.

Delete Department

You can delete any duplicate or unwanted Department records by clicking on 'Delete' icon  under the  'Action' column.

This would post a window to confirm if the Department has to be deleted.

Click on 'Yes' button to delete or 'Cancel'