All the devices specific to the Branch/Company should be declared in the Device menu. It is required to identify the number of devices at that location.
The primary reason to declare the devices is to enable the communication between the software and the device without which the the software would not know from which device to accept the attendance data from.
The software identifies the device only by its 'Serial Number'.

Step 1: Go to Masters, Click on Device menu

Once you click on Device menu in the masters, device master will be opened as shown below.

Add Device

Step 2: Click on 'Add' button to add new Device.

Step 3: Once you click on  (plus) Add,  Add/Edit window will be shown as below.

  • In the Add / Edit device dialog, you need to provide the details of the device as show in the screen.

  • Set the Device Name, Short Name, Serial No, Device Location, IP address, Device Direction (In, Out, Alt In out, system In/Out).

  • Finally click on the 'Add' Button to add the Department.

  • This will display a message saying 'Device Added Successfully'.

  • Repeat the above steps to add all the Devices in the Company/ Branch and click on 'Close' button.Company

  • Enter the correct serial number else the device wont synchronize and you wont be able to generate the attendance records.

  • The 'Serial Number' can be found at the backside of the device in the bar code label or else in In the device go to System Info select the Device Info option & enter the correct serial no in Add/Edit Device menu.


Once the 'Close' button is clicked the to close the Add/Edit window, the Department Master will look as shown below.