In this menu the user can add all the holidays that is applicable to the branch/company for the current year.

Step 1: Go to App Admin, Click on Holiday menu.

The Holiday master will be opened as shown below.

Step 2: Click on Add button

 On the click the below window will be seen

Step 3: Add the holiday details. Select the zone to which the holiday is applicable. Click on Add button.



Once the 'Close' button is clicked the to close the Add/Edit window, the Holiday Master will look as shown below.

To consider weekly-off day as a normal working day.

Check the 'consider Present on Weekly-off' if a weekly off is considered as a normal working day. All the conditions applicable for the normal working day holds good if a particular day is marked as CONSIDER PRESENT ON WEEKLY-OFF.


 On selecting this particular option, that day will be considered as holiday. Even though the punches are present, the punches will be disregarded and it will be considered as Holiday.