Does your School follow different TC formats for different Levels of School?

We have an option for that too & it's so simple!


STEP 1: Set the Division for each of the class.

         To generate different formats of TC for various divisions of class you've to set Division in Grade / class tab for each of the class.


  1. Go to Masters --> Class

2. Page containing all the classes will be displayed as shown below.

3. Click on edit button, set the division and update.




 ODT's to be fetched:

Fetch the relevant ODT's for different levels of school.


 > Nursery - primaryTcReport.odt

 > Primary - primaryTcReport.odt

 > Middle - middleTcReport.odt

 > Higher - higherTcReport.odt



 Customize the ODT to your needs.

To know how to customize TC visit : How to customize TC Report / Transfer Certificate : studentTcCertificate.odt?