Create Fee Name

Step 1: Go to Masters Click on Fee Create FEE name Called Tuition

Step 2: Click on Fees,the Fee Master will open.

Step 3:Click on (plus) button, the Add/Edit Fee details window will open.

Enter Fee Name* TUITION FEE,

Enter Fee Description

Enter Account Number, It is the Fee Account no which is used to maintain Monthly Fee.

Step 4: Click Add Button to save the Fee Name

Tuition fee Added Successfully will display and tuition fee record is created

Step 5: Update and Delete Fee Name

At the right side of the each fee record we can find the Edit  and Delete  icons.

Click Edit button to edit Fee record.

Click update button to save the changes.

Click Delete button to Delete the record.

Click on Yes to Delete the Fee record and Cancel to Cancel the deletion.

Note: Don't Edit  Fee Name after assigning fee amount to this Fee.

Create  Monthly Fee Group