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studentPaymentReceipt Generated by the SchoolAdmin looks like this!

So, How does the studentPaymentReceipt  ODT integrated with software look like?

Below is the ODT for the student Payment Receipt or Fee receipt generated by SchoolAdmin as shown above.

What can I Change (Free to edit variables) in studentPaymentReceipt.odt?

Variables that are marked in Green are editable!

What can I not change in studentPaymentReceipt.odt?

The variables marked in RED are fixed Variables and are not editable.

School Logo Update marked in Blue fetches the School logo updated in the software.

Just copy and paste the image of School Logo Update to display school logo on the receipt.


Below is the image of an ODT after changing editable names:

Variables in Green are edited and the variables in Red are unchanged.

Compare it with the previous ODT & notice the changes.

If we observe closely, In the ODT, there are few variables highlighted in Blue.

They are the conditions given in the ODT.

If a discount in fee is given to a certain students and if the discounted amount has to be displayed in the fee receipt, then you can use the below conditions.

If a student makes a partial payment and if the balance amount has to be displayed in the fee receipt, you can use the conditions explained below.


Details Entered in software to generate fee receipt:

Fee Receipt Generated by SchoolAdmin Software:

If you feel, Oh! I need a simpler Fee Receipt.


Data entered in SchoolAdmin:

Receipt Generated by School Admin:

Can I design & generate a different Fee Payment Receipt for different types of fee collected like a different one for Tuition Fees, Uniform Fees and Book Fees?

Yes, you can design and generate different fee receipts for different fee that you collect in SchoolAdmin software. Also you can generate different receipt numbers for the different fee receipts you’ve deigned.

How to generate different Fee receipts for different fee groups or different fee that I collect in SchoolAdmin software?


Step1:  In SchoolAdmin software, to your left are the main menus present.

Click on the Masters menu.

Step2:  In the Masters menu, click on Fee Groups.

A page will be displayed as shown below. These are the Fee groups that we have already defined in the software.

(To know how to create Fee Groups, read documentation on Fee Group)


Step3: Click on edit button of one the Fee Group.

A page as shown below will be displayed.


  1. To print a separate fee receipt for the fee group, checkboxPrint Separate Receipt as shown in the image.
  2. In the text box for Receipt Name give name of the ODT that you have designed for the particular Fee Group.


  1. If you wish to design and generate different fee receipts for different Fee Group:
  • You can give any name for the ODT’s you have designed.
  • The name of the ODT you’ve designed for a particular fee Group must be typed in Receipt Name textbox of the respective Fee Group.
  • Paste the ODT’s in OpenOffice folder of SchoolAdmin (otherwise Fee receipts won’t be generated or it might pick a default ODT, if present).

Few other Examples:

How do I generate fee receipt numbers for the different fee receipts I’ve deigned?


Step1Go to Masters --> Fee Group


Step2: Choose the Fee Group for which separate set of Fee Receipt numbers has to be generated and click on edit button.

Red box marked in the image indicates all the fee receipts will get one series of receipt numbers as it is not grouped under any series.

 Now we’ve to group these fee groups by giving Receipt Grouping Name to get different series of fee receipt number for different fee.

Step3: On clicking edit button on Fee Group of your choice, a page will be displayed as shown in the below image.

Follow the steps as shown in the image.

You can group the receipt numbers for each of the Fee Group to get different receipt series.


Two or more Fee Groups can be grouped for same receipt series as shown below.

If no Receipt Grouping Name is given, it gives receipt number from default receipt number series generated by the software.



  • None