Step 1: First select products then go to sub category menu.
Sub Category This menu is required to create sub category for category. for example if more than one sub category for one main category, then create sub category for that main category. ex: Ring have many category like ear ring, hand ring,nose ring and all for that select main category then enter sub category to create. |
Here both name and category are mandatory. |
First type the name of sub category then select category then finally click on create button. Once you click on create button it will stored in data table.The fallowing fig shows the data table for sub category.
If you want to change the name of sub category, just select the row in the table change the name in left side then click on update, then it will change. The following fig shows that option.
If you want details of all the sub category in pdf or xls format, just click on pdf or xls button in below the table, you will get the details. The fallowing fig shows both pdf and xls format.