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Step 1: Goto Student Info , Click on Students menu

Declaration of student is required to specify which class the student belongs.

To Add Students in  a Virtual Class (Class Subjects), You must first create Class Subject. Once you create a virtual class ie class subject then you can add students into respective classes.

Step 2: Once you click on Students menu in the masters, student master will be opened as shown below.

click on Add button to add new student. In the Student table it will show all the students previously added.

Step 3: Once you click on  (plus) Add,  Add/Edit Students window will be shown as below

In the Add / Edit student dialog, you need to provide the details as show in the screen.

  • Add the details of the student.
  • (*)mark  in front of any label means that field is mandatory , user has to enter the information for that label.

  • Have a note that Date of birth should be above two and half years for a student to join to the School.

  • Fill all the required details and mandatory details of the student.

Finally, Click on Add button to create a student. Once the data is saved you will see a Student Successfully added message. Repeat the above steps to add all the students in your School. Once all the students are added click on Close button to close the Add/Edit window.


The Student Master will look as shown below.


User cannot / should not delete student once Fee payment is done for the student or attendance is given for the student. As delete of student may cause loss of data.

User should cross check once all the students are added by filtering on class and section. As they can confirm number of students present in respective class-section  by last Serial no or by Exporting report.

  • None