Salary settings is customizable as per the requirement of the School Pay scale. We have consider one of the sample pay scale format .
- The input field in front of HR/Loan , Insurance, Custom 1, 2, 3, 4 are customizable . The user can input the field names as per their pay scale format. Only Current Salary input field will be present in staff Adding Staff Additional Details.
- The fields required for salary needs to be enable by selecting the check box. Only then the fields will be displayed in Staff Salary details menu.
- User can set whether the amount entered against the custom fields in staff salary details has to be DEDUCTED / ADDED / ONLY DISPLAY in salary calculation and reports.
- If Leave , Late, ESIC, PF has to auto calculated during salary payment, then the user has to enable these fields and enter the amount / percentage to be deducted during payment.
- If the user wants ESIC and PF to be auto calculated on percentage on Gross salary. Then please enter the percent of deduction on Gross salary in settings.
- And enter leave and late deduction on per day basis.
- Enter the Bank details if the salary statement has to be sent to the bank.
The above setting has to be done one time for the respective academic year. Once the setting is done, go to enter the staff salary details.